Funeral Prayers for Shakilus Townsend

The video above is a Home Office anti-knife Crime video. Copies of this were circulated to young people attending the recent funeral of Shakilus Townsend at St. Stephen's south Dulwich. Below are some of prayers that were said at that funeral.

Creator God, we give thanks for Shaki’s life. For his cheeky smile, for his friendship, his love and for each of the special memories that we cherish.

Lord hear us
Lord, graciously hear us

God of faithfulness, you have called Shaki to yourself. Forgive his sins and failings we pray, welcome him into your presence so that he may find his rest in you.

Lord hear us
Lord, graciously hear us

Christ you called us to be a neighbour to all. And so we give you thanks for all those who were with Shaki in his last moments on earth. For members of the public, for the paramedics, and for the doctors and nurses of St. George’s hospital.

Lord hear us
Lord, graciously hear us

Father of all, whose Son is the Prince of peace. We pray for all our young people that they may know the power of your love and may see it in the care of their own family and friends.

Lord hear us
Lord, graciously hear us

Christ said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” and so we pray for all working to bring an end to this violence and commit ourselves to bring peace to our streets.

Lord hear us
Lord, graciously hear us

We pray for all who miss Shaki so much, especially Nicola, Derek, Shaki’s brothers and sisters and all those who love him. Father, we offer you our anger, our grief and our tears. We pray that you may hold us tightly in your arms so that we might know your peace, your comfort and your love.

Lord hear us
Lord, graciously hear us

Father God, you are our beginning and our end. We pray that we may live in the light of that knowledge and ask for your wisdom and grace that we might to use well the time left to us on earth.

And so we say together…

God of mercy,
Entrusting into your hands all that you have made,
And rejoicing in your communion with all your faithful people,
We make our prayers through Jesus Christ our Saviour.

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