Protesting against Trident

To the tune of St. Denio (NEH 377)
Illegal, immoral, God only knows why-
Our leaders are planning to blow us sky high.
It’s yesterday’s weapon, for yesterday’s war
Now’s time to stop Trident that’s what we’re here for.

Barbaric and evil, this bomb it must go.
The Japanese people will tell you its so.
Flattening houses and burning through flesh
This isn’t just warfare, it’s a global dead zone.

Still loving and hoping, we’ll stand firm in faith.
God’s message is justice and fullness of life.
He flings his arms open, for all on the Tree
Proclaiming forever, that peace is decreed.

Bishop Stephen writes…

“If I have a line on all this it is that we are simply doing what Christians have always done, that is to pray for peace in the world, for an end to violence, and to offer the Eucharist as a sign of God’s covenant of peace with us through Jesus Christ. In other words, we should not think of what we are doing as brave or remarkable, but as the normal business of the church of God. Indeed it would be strange not to do it.”

Litany for peace

In faith and hope let us make our prayer to the Father
And ask for his grace and peace.

For all victims of war and violence
That you might bind up the broken-hearted,
We pray to you, O Lord.
Your Kingdom come
Your will be done

For all members of the House of Commons and Lords
That they may seek justice, peace and the common good,
We pray to you, O Lord.
Your Kingdom come
Your will be done

For all who work and witness for peace
That they may see swords become ploughshares and spears become pruning hooks,
We pray to you, O Lord.
Your Kingdom come
Your will be done

For your Church and this House
That we might witness to your love in the dark places of the world
We pray to you, O Lord.
Your Kingdom come
Your will be done