As I write this on polling day, I’m not sure how the election will end. A diplomat once said, “Every country has the government it deserves.” As we come to terms with our new political landscape, I wonder whether you agree?
Now that the counting is over and the ballot boxes have been put away we may heave a sigh of relief that the News can now move on. But I’m not sure that the issues raised during the campaign will go away quite so quickly. Indeed democratic reform, painful tax and spending decisions and our foreign policy are all likely to require our attention long before the next election.
When Jesus was interviewed by Pilate about his leadership ambitions he said that his Kingdom was not of this world. When quizzed on his tax policy he said that we should pay our taxes to Caesar but also render our dues to God. When asked about human relations- international or otherwise- his sound bites were all about love. One small word which has radical implications. Unfortunately, those implications rarely fit with the agenda of one political party.
As you voted last week your pencil may have hovered over differing boxes, maybe you felt torn between tactics and policies and quite possibly what you hoped for in the polling station hasn’t quite materialised across the country? If any of these are true it might that your cross on the ballot papers might prove to be the beginning of a political journey rather than it’s end. As the saying goes, politics is too important to be left to politicians.
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