Angels and airbags

A recent Volkswagen advert showed cars driving around a city with guardian angels sitting on the roofs.  They were there keeping the drivers safe from harm. 

As the cars drive by, another angel sits on a roof-top seeing if there is someone for him to guard.  He is excited when he looks down to see a car without an angel and flies down to investigate.  He is, however, disappointed to discover that the car is a Volkswagen and concludes that this driver has no need of a guardian angel!

The Bible has little to say about Volkswagen but it does have quite a bit to say about angels.  In the Old Testament we read that they are intermediary beings between God and humanity forming a heavenly court praising God.  The Greek for angels ‘angelos’ literally means messenger and as we have seen in countless works of art they announce Jesus’ incarnation to Mary and his birth to the shepherds.  They also serve him in the wilderness and Jesus says that they will protect him and accompany him when he comes again. 

Next Thursday we celebrate the Feast of St Michael and All Angels and as we do so it is worth reminding ourselves of the biblical teaching about angels and their role in protecting the faithful.  One way we can do this is by saying this prayer before going to sleep.

Visit this house, O Lord, we pray, drive far from it all the snares of the enemy; may your Holy angels dwell with us and guard us in peace, and may your blessing be always upon us.  Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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